The Online Peer Mediation Platform (OPMP) is a new project
The OPMP Team is a group of experts in peer mediation, online mediation, Internet and mobile technology.
- Was funded by the JAMS Foundation from 2014-16
- Currently managed by the National Association of Peer Program Professionals
- Previously managed by the Association for Conflict Resolution Education, Research and Training Section
The OPMP Team is a group of experts in peer mediation, online mediation, Internet and mobile technology.
- Dr. Judy Tindall - President, National Association of Peer Program Professionals, St. Charles, MO
- Dr. Cynthia Morton - Former Chair of Education Research and Teaching Section, ACR, McDonough, GA
- Prof. Karen DeVoogd - MA, Lecturer, California State University Fresno, Long Beach, CA
- Kristen Woodward - Assistant Coordinator ADR Program, Fairfax County, VA
- Kyle Bruner - Owner, Bruner Mediation, Atlanta, GA
- Christa Tinari-Owner Peace Praxis, Doylestown, PA
- Prof. Leslie Roberts, J.D. - Principal Lecturer and the Director of the ADR Program,The University of North Texas.
- Michael Sonn-Social Work Intern, Klamath-Trinity Joint Unified School District, Hoopa Valley Reservation, California
- Ondine Gross-Author and nationally certified school psychologist, Campaign, Illinois
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