Introducing Restorative Teacher-Student Mediation: Free Webinar

Free Webinar

Introducing Restorative Teacher-Student Mediation

Wednesday, December 6, 2017 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm EST

Presented by Ondine Gross, M.S., Ed.M., Educational Consultant and Public Speaker

In this edWebinar, school psychologist Ondine Gross will discuss how to facilitate restorative teacher-student mediation—an easy, evidence-based intervention that reduces disciplinary actions and promotes wellness in a school community. She will share how restorative mediation brings the teacher and student together in a positive meeting to model social, problem solving, and communication skills. Ondine also will explore how mediation fosters mutual understanding and empathy. During this live, interactive session, Ondine will introduce this model and explain how mediation can also be used to resolve student conflict.

This session is designed for all K12 educators, administrators, and counselors. There will be time to get your questions answered after the presentation. Join us to discover how mediation restores respect, so teachers can teach and students can learn.

December 6th  @ 4-5 pm

Ondine Gross, M.S., Ed.M., is a nationally certified school psychologist, licensed therapist, and author of Restore the Respect: How to Mediate School Conflicts and Keep Students Learning. For over 30 years, she was a school psychologist in diverse California and Illinois public schools. The California Association of School Psychologists named her an “Outstanding School Psychologist.” Mid-career, Ondine earned a master’s degree in educational policy, organization, and leadership from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign as well as school administrator certification. She also became a volunteer community mediator and in 2011, piloted restorative school mediation at her diverse public high school. The results were positive and immediate, and inspired Ondine to write her book and train others. Now an educational consultant and public speaker, Ondine’s audiences appreciate her frankness, credibility, and “in-the-trenches” humor when showing how mediation fosters safe, positive, affirming school environments for our teachers and students.

Register here:  Introducing Restorative Teacher-Student Mediation
