January, 2023 Conflict Resolution Events

Happy New Year!!!

The Online Peer Mediation Platform is pleased to share ideas for your school or organization to promote peace and civility during each month of 2023. During the month of January, there are three events that lend itself to promoting the ideals shared by OPMP.  These ideals include service to others, mentoring, and standing up for others who may be different or bullied.  


Each January, we come together as a community to ignite those passions and help turn those wildest dreams into reality with National Mentoring Month. By harnessing our collective voice, MENTOR advocates for mentorship, legislative priorities, and raises awareness for how one conversation, one experience, and one mentor can change a young person’s life.

Join us for exciting opportunities all month long to grow the movement and celebrate the power of supportive and meaningful mentor relationships! Learn how you can participate by exploring MENTOR’s resources below and engage on social media using the following hashtags -  #MentoringAmplifies and #MentoringMonth through January.

Download the National Mentoring Month Toolkit

National Mentoring Summit - January 25th - 27th in Washington, D.C. 


The Martin Luther King, Jr., National Day of Service allows Americans across the country step up to make communities more equitable and take action to carry out the goals of Dr. King.  His example is our call to action on January 16th. MLK Day is encourages all Americans to volunteer to improve their communities. 

Opportunities to participate in the National Day of Service on January 16, 2023.

Standing Up for Others

No-Name Calling Week
January 16-20, 2023

No Name-Calling Week is observed during the third week of January to educate about the dangers of name-calling. While there are still those who consider name-calling harmless fun, victims of such names generally feel insecure, ashamed, and bullied. It is good to stand up for others by learning how to be an ally.  

Want to know how to participate in this event.  See the two toolkits below.

Our team will be sharing new events for February soon!
